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Injection lipolysis – a simple way to shape the figure

utworzono 2023-11-27
Injection lipolysis – a simple way to shape the figure

Dreams of a perfect, healthy appearance and an athletic figure accompany even people who have regular contact with physical activity. Injection lipolysis is an innovative treatment that helps in the effective fight against "extra" kilograms and centimeters and modeling the perfect figure. Traditional methods of getting rid of adipose tissue from certain parts of the body are sometimes problematic or difficult due to genetic conditions. In such situations, injection lipolysis gives a real chance to reduce its volume and effectively "sculpt" the figure. In this article, we will present the basic assumptions and advantages of this increasingly successful treatment in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Injection lipolysis – what is it and what does it consist of?

Hearing about the sensational slimming and slimming effects, the first association is another "mysterious miracle diet". Meanwhile, injection lipolysis is an innovative procedure that quickly and easily deals with the solution of a common problem of millions of people around the world. Local accumulation of too much body fat – not only adversely affects the appearance itself, but also health.

Injection lipolysis is a treatment in the field of aesthetic medicine, which consists in local injection with a thin needle of a special mixture of substances responsible for breaking down adipose tissue ( phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate). Professionally speaking, the lipolysis process focuses on the hydrolytic breakdown of triglyceride in adipose tissue, resulting in controlled inflammation and precipitation of fatty acids and glycerol. Subsequently, these substances are released into the bloodstream, from where they go to the liver, and then are excreted from the body.

The effect of injection lipolysis is therefore the loss of body fat from previously selected areas, weight loss and, above all, obtaining the desired profile of a given body part. Injection lipolysis is an effective and non-surgical alternative to invasive liposuction.

What are the indications for injection lipolysis?

The injection lipolysis treatment is dedicated to all people who want to get rid of body fat and make their appearance more attractive in an easy and effortless way . Injection lipolysis is also recommended for people who, despite intense physical exercise or diet, cannot effectively reduce the volume of body fat within some parts of their body.

Modern injection lipolysis is most often used to reduce body fat in such areas as:

  • Hips
  • breeches
  • inner parts of the knees,
  • Thigh
  • belly
  • back
  • buttocks
  • Forearms
  • chin.

In addition to local fat reduction, well-chosen preparations have a detoxifying effect, as well as smooth and tighten sagging skin, making it firmer and more elastic.

How long does the treatment last and how long do the effects of injection lipolysis last?

The effectiveness of injection lipolysis, i.e. the speed and scale of fat reduction, is an individual matter and depends on many factors. The main element determining the course of the lipolysis process is the degree of tissue fatness – the smaller it is, the faster the results of the procedure. As a standard, injection lipolysis treatments are spread over 2-4 visits, during which a series of injections is performed within one place. Each subsequent visit to the aesthetic medicine salon offering injection lipolysis should take place at intervals of several weeks, because the full process of destruction and excretion of fat cells takes about 20 days. A single treatment usually takes several dozen minutes, but it depends on the waspsthe surface of the body and the experience of the person performing lipolysis.

The effects obtained thanks to injection lipolysis are completely permanent. However, it should be remembered that the long-term results associated with modeling the figure through lipolysis are conditioned by the implementation of a healthy lifestyle. Injection lipolysis combined with a well-balanced diet and regular physical activity – this is a recipe for a shapely figure and a dream look. Supplementing injection lipolysis treatments with lymphatic massage – accelerates the process of fat removal. Regardless of the basic purpose of lipolysis, which is to reduce body fat, this treatment improves microcirculation, contributes to better nutrition and metabolism of skin cells.

Injection lipolysis – a simple, safe, painless way to have a beautiful body and well-being!

Professional injection lipolysis allows you to slim the body and get the desired results within body shaping. It is a treatment inspired by naturally occurring chemical processes in the body. Safe and quick disposal of unnecessary kilograms and centimeters in the circumference is not only a guarantee of an attractive appearance, but also a better mood every day. Injection lipolysis helps in a non-invasive way to sculpt the figure, eliminate complexes and strengthen self-confidence. All this makes the injection lipolysis treatment carried out under the supervision of a specialist – an investment in health and comfort of life!